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Book a 21-day rental today for

How Subscription Works

Subscribe and rent 5 styles every month for just £75. Here's what you get: fast, free shipping and easy returns. No hidden fees, ever. Plus, you can pause or cancel whenever you need.

Create an account

If you haven't already, sign up for a Hirestreet account.


Choose our 5-item subscription plan and make your first monthly payment.

Choose your 5 items

Your 5 monthly rental slots will now be available. Browse our collection and select the items you love.

Free 2-3 day shipping

Select your 5 items and place your subscription. Your outfits will arrive with you in just 2-3 business days!

Rake in the compliments

They're yours to wear as much as you like. Plus, leave the cleaning and repairs to us - we've got it covered.

Return & Repeat

Return your rentals by your next billing date. Once your items are dropped off at the Post Office, your next 5 slots will unlock automatically.

The Benefits Keep Coming

Love it for longer

With an active subscription, you can keep your items for as long as you like.

Love it? Buy it!

Love something you've rented? Purchase it at a discounted price from your account.

Pause or cancel anytime

Have complete control over your subscription.


What is Hirestreet Subscription?

You pay £75 a month, we give you access to 5 items on rotation. There are no hidden fees, your £75 monthly payment includes the cost of shipping and damage cover. 

As a subscriber, you can rent any of the items on our website (meaning most subscribers save hundreds of pounds a month by renting instead of buying). 

You are then ready to check out!

We'll deliver your rental ASAP via tracked Royal Mail courier.

You can pause or cancel your subscription at any time.

When will my order arrive?

Your order will arrive within 3-4 working days from the date of order. You will receive tracking information from Royal Mail once your order has been dispatched.

Can I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription at any time. If you cancel your subscription, you must return all items you have in your current rental order on or before your next billing date.

To cancel, just go to your account section, and "Subscription Settings".

If you are not sure about cancelling, you can pause your subscription indefinitely (no more payments will be taken until you resume), or you can opt to skip the next few months!

How much is shipping?

Standard shipping is included in your subscription price. You will not be charged extra for shipping. You will receive a pre-paid returns label with every delivery.

There is not an option to upgrade to Express or faster shipping as this cost is included in the subscription monthly fee.

We use Royal Mail to send all orders.

How long can I keep my rental?

You can keep your rentals for as long as you like. 

Most subscribers return their outfits after 30 days (on their next billing date) - so they can unlock the 5 items they would like for the next month, but if you love the outfits you currently have you can keep them until you are ready for your next outfits. 

If you love your outfits so much you want to keep them forever, you can buy them at big discounts in your account section at any point during your rental.

Can I return my outfits early?

Yes of course, if you have worn all your outfits and would like to send them back please just pop them in the original packaging, attach the pre-paid returns label and drop them at the Post Office. 

Please note, you will not be able to order your next month's outfits until two things have happened: you have returned your current rentals and your next billing date has passed.

When can I order my outfits for next month?

To order your next rotation of outfits, 2 things need to have happened: you need to have returned your current rentals and your next billing date needs to have passed.

Please note, to enable you to get the most out of your subscription you do not need to wait for your current rentals to get back to our warehouse - you just need to have dropped every item you have not purchased at the Post Office. Once you have done this, your new subscription slots will unlock within a few hours. 

Please do get in touch if you have dropped your items off at the Post Office and your subscription has not unlocked.

Can I pause my subscription?

Yes absolutely, you can pause your subscription at any time. To pause just head to Subscription Settings in your account.

When you pause your subscription payments will be paused indefinitely. Payments will only be taken again if you resume your subscription.

If you have paused your subscription (i.e. it is no longer active), you must return any rentals on or before your next billing date to avoid late charges. You will not be able to order your next 5 rentals until you resume your subscription.

If you are going away for a few months, or have a quiet month coming up you can always opt to Skip the upcoming months if easier!

Subscription Returns Policy

We do not offer refunds, exchanges or rental credit on items returned unworn in subscription orders

Ready to subscribe?

Create your account and make your first payment now